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Latin: Polygonaceae

Plants in the Buckwheat Family by Common Name

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arrowleaf buckwheat, norther buckwheat (Eriogonum compositum)arrowleaf buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum compositum
Family Buckwheat
Native Yes
blue mountain buckwheat (EriogonumStrictum)birdnest buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum nidularium Coville
Family Buckwheat
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed No
knot bindweed, black bindweed, ivy bindweed, climbing bindweed (Polygonum convolvulus)
black bindweed
Scientific Name Polygonum convolvulus
Family Buckwheat
Plant Type Forb
Introduced Yes
Native No
Weed Yes
strict buckwheat (Eriogonum strictum)
Blue Mountain buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum strictum
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color White-pale pink
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description Very low growing.
Native Yes
Weed No
knot bindweed, black bindweed, ivy bindweed, climbing bindweed (Polygonum convolvulus)
climbing bindweed
Scientific Name Polygonum convolvulus
Family Buckwheat
Plant Type Forb
Introduced Yes
Native No
Weed Yes
cushion buckwheat, oval-leafed eriogonum (Eriogonum ovalifolium)
cushion buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum ovalifolium
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color Cream white
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
Weed No
erect knotweed (Polygonum argyrocoleon)
erect knotweed
Scientific Name Polygonum argyrocoleon
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color Green
Plant Type Forb
Weed Yes
knot bindweed, black bindweed, ivy bindweed, climbing bindweed (Polygonum convolvulus)
ivy bindweed
Scientific Name Polygonum convolvulus
Family Buckwheat
Plant Type Forb
Introduced Yes
Native No
Weed Yes
Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum)
Japanese knotweed
Scientific Name Polygonum cuspidatum
Family Buckwheat
Plant Type Forb
Native No
Weed Yes
knot bindweed, black bindweed, ivy bindweed, climbing bindweed (Polygonum convolvulus)
knot bindweed
Scientific Name Polygonum convolvulus
Family Buckwheat
Plant Type Forb
Introduced Yes
Native No
Weed Yes
arrowleaf buckwheat, norther buckwheat (Eriogonum compositum)northern buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum compositum
Family Buckwheat
Native Yes
cushion buckwheat, oval-leafed eriogonum (Eriogonum ovalifolium)
oval-leafed eriogonum
Scientific Name Eriogonum ovalifolium
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color Cream white
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
Weed No
parsnip-flowered buckwheat (Eriogonum heracleoides)parsnip-flowered buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum heracleoides
Family Buckwheat
Short Description parsnip-flowered buckwheat (Eriogonum heracleoides)
Native Yes
Weed No
sand dock (Rumex venosus)sand dock
Scientific Name Rumex venosus
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color Pink and Yellowish
Plant Type Forb
Short Description perennial
Native Yes
Weed No
sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) 
sheep sorrel
Scientific Name Rumex acetosella
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color Pink, Yellow, Creamy White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Weed Can be
Smartweed (Polygonum)smart weed
Scientific Name Polygonum
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color Pink and Yellowish
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed Yes
Smartweed (Polygonum)smartweed
Scientific Name Polygonum
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color Pink and Yellowish
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed Yes
strict buckwheat (Eriogonum strictum)
strict buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum strictum
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color White-pale pink
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description Very low growing.
Native Yes
Weed No
sulphur-flowered buckwheat, sulphur buckwheat (Eriogonum umbellatum)
sulphur buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum umbellatum
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed No
sulphur-flowered buckwheat, sulphur buckwheat (Eriogonum umbellatum)
sulphur-flowered buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum umbellatum
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed No
thymeleaf buckwheat (Eriogonum thymoides)thymeleaf buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum thymoides
Family Buckwheat
Native Yes
Weed No
Water smartweed (Polygonum coccineum)water smartweed
Scientific Name Polygonum coccineum
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color Pink
Plant Type Forb
Native Yes
Weed Yes
yellow buckwheat (Eriogonum flavum)

yellow buckwheat
Scientific Name Eriogonum flavum
Family Buckwheat
Flower Color Yellow, red
Plant Type Shrub
Native Yes
Weed No